Monday, October 16, 2006

Cameron Street Block Club Survey - print and mail - THANKS!

Cameron Street Block Club was created for everybody, home owners & home renters, to:
improve our quality of life  *help raise our property values  *make our street a great place to live
If you live on Cameron Street, this block club is for you!
Together we can make great things happen!
Cameron Street Block Club Survey
Please Print: Your Name, Address with House#/Apt#, and zip code, Home or Business Phone Number, and Email:_______________
What areas do you feel need attention to make our Cameron Street better?
Please check the boxes that you feel are important:

_eliminate prostitution activity   _eliminate drug dealing   _improve street lighting

_help unsupervised children   _control loud noise / car stereos / honking horns

_eliminate debris on the curbs / residents putting out refuse on the wrong day

_eliminate dilapidated housing / leadpoisoning risks    _other:_____________

2. What do you feel is the first step to fixing these problems?

Please answer as specifically as possible:__________________ 3.
Would you be willing to help make these changes?

_YES!  _NO If NO, why?_____________________________

4. Depending on donations, the Cameron Street Block Club would like to celebrate our great street by:                                                   _planting flowers  _hanging banners/signs  _hosting a yard sale
Would you like to participate in a beautification project on Cameron Street?

 _YES!  _NO If NO, why?______________________________

5.The Cameron Street Block Club is part of the Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association (LONA). LONA meets at 7pm, once a month, at the Lyell Branch Library, 956 Lyell Ave. Would you be willing to join the Cameron Street Block Club and LONA?

 _YES!  _NO If NO, why?______________________________

6. Would you be able to attend a half-hour long Cameron Street Block Club meeting every four months? In April, August, and December?  _YES!  _NO If NO, why?______

We would meet on the same evening as LONA, to make it easier to fit into your busy schedule!

Also note, the December LONA meeting is usually a fun-filled CHRISTMAS PARTY!!
Feel free to contact me at 254-6256 or via email at if you have any questions.
Please return your completed survey to me as soon as you can!
LONA c/o Mike Visconte  109 Merrill St  Rochester, NY 14615
Thank you for your valuable time & input!
Sincerely, Pamela Davis - Organizer, Cameron Street Block Club

Special recognition goes to The Rochester Area Community Foundation and the Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association for their assistance! THANK YOU!

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